Production Blog: Editing


  Today I began the editing process for my music video after concluding my days of filming and preparation. While this day of editing was very exciting it was primarily relieving as the previous issues that led up to this moment made the day of editing a checkpoint that marked the end of production errors and prop misplacement. The first step I took in the editing process was selecting the desired clips and placing them into the desired order, this was the simplest section of the editing process as it always is. Once I completed this step I viewed the raw unedited version of the music video, this viewing while cringe inducing was very relieving as similarly to the start of the editing process the first viewing marked the first signs of a quality production. 

    Immediately after viewing the raw compilation of clips I watched the unedited version two more times while recording the areas that where in need of trimming. After this I began to trim the clips according to the notes I took removing the overextended portions of the production based on the amount of extra footage rather then chronologically. This was done to avoid removing as much film as possible without mindlessly cutting footage to align with the time constraints. The scenes that had the most removed footage at the end of this process funnily enough was the footage taken in the clubhouse despite this locations takes seeming the most undershot when on set. Regardless of this reminiscence this process was smooth and it allowed our music video to be within the time constraints of the music video.

      After this I spent around fifteen minutes deciding which to portion of the song the music video would be set to. The reason this process was not undergone before the filming process was complete was because it was understood that regardless of the decision made before the footage is filmed the viewing of the footage would certainly change the opinion made previously. Once decided upon we added the first minute of the song to the background of the first draft of the music video. Surprisingly enough this draft exceeded expectation and was very exciting as even without any editing the video the story was sufficient and enjoyable to consume.

    Next I sliced the final clip of the music video and placed the second half at the beginning of the timeline. This only took a few minutes however, it really solidified the story of the music video and made me proud as the brainstorming at the beginning of the production process began to pay off. The end of this process marked the beginning of the end as I began to add transitions to the clips and I completely finalized the order. Lastly I trimmed the clips very slightly removing unnecessary aspects. 

    Overall the editing process was smoother than any other throughout the project and it took much less time as well. The editing procedures where also very enjoyable and I greatly noticed the increase in my editing capability in comparison to my commercial. This project was very exciting and enjoyable and the fluidity of the editing marked the beginning of the end to my music video.


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