Change of plans
Today my partner and I began filming our Powerade commercial. We began our day of filming by heading down to the track to take advantage of the good weather however, we soon realized that we forgot to bring a soccer ball. This made us incapable of filming the action sequences in our commercial. Regardless of this misfortune we quickly decided to film the opening scenes of our commercial instead. The first scene of the film we recorded was my partner walking together. We filmed this scene first because we thought it would be the easiest shot to film and since it opened the commercial we believed that this would allow us to see a general feeling that the ad would convey. While this shot seemed easy it did require multiple retakes because the bottom of the staircase was occupied by other students. This resulted in my having to be very careful when filming the actor walking down the stairs to avoid the presence of unwanted persons. When the shot was recorded succes...