Other Info


The apartment complex of one of our group members. Specifically the club room, pool, hallways, staircase, and lobby.

A parking garage

A street bend parallel to the apartment complex.


Felipe Lopez- Man in possession of briefcase.

Alex Jean- Driver of mobster

Yousev Cash- Russian Mobster

Jude Joseph-Original owner of briefcase

Noah Sherman-Rocque-Guy in the elevator

Health & Safety

We will keep a first aid kit on set to help injured actors. We will also have someone watching for traffic in the first scene. We also will have a CPR and lifeguard certified staff on set.


On 2/2/2022 we created our pitch.

On 2/8/2022 we researched and decided which genre our presentation would be constructed upon.

On 2/14/2022 we researched movies within our selected genre.(Mystery)

On 2/18/2022 we researched title design of movies in our genre.

On 2/25/2022 we planned the dates of filming, props, settings, safety protocols, our title design, and wrote our script.

On 3/04/2022 we will create the storyboard for our project.

On 3/06/2022 we will film our movie.

On 3/12/2022 we will film our movie.

On 3/15/2022 we will film and reshoot portions of our movie.

On 3/18/2022 we will will edit our movie.

On 3/21/2022 we will edit our movie.

On 3/24/2021 we will edit our movie and recheck dates.

Backup Plan

We will ensure that we have a surplus of actors that can fill in for each other. We also have allocated another house to film at if the desired actors house is not available. In terms of the parking lot we have located a separate parking lot that can be used for that specific scene. Finally we will ensure that our storyline has flexibility in costume design and attire.


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