Scene 1
Sound: Soft mysterious movie Lighting: Parking garage lights
Jude walks into the parking garage and collapses. Felipe walks out of the building and sees man on the floor.
Felipe: Sir, are you okay?
Jude: (In a dying breath) Take this and run. Hands Felipe the briefcase. Give it to...
Felipe: (Said concerningly) Give it to who?
Vehicle approaches and as Felipe sees the vehicle he runs away. Yousefv exits the vechicle.
Yousev: Where's briefcase? (In Russian)
Scene 2
Sound: Continued music from previous scene. Lighting: Indoor lighting of lobby
Felipe runs into the elavator as Yousef is closlely behind him.
Felipe: (Anxiously) Close! Close! Close! Close! Close!
Yousev: Damn!
As Yousev runs to catch the elevator it closes. He then looks around and dashes for the elevator.
Scene 3
Sound: Elevator music Lighting: Elevator lighting
Man in elevator: Where did you get that briefcase? (Said in a mysterious tone)
Felipe: How do you know about the briefcase? (He says in a scared tone)
Felipe spams the button and runs out on the next floor of the elevator.
Felipe: What could possibly be in this briefcase?
Scene 4
Sound: suspending music Lighting: Staircase lighting
Yousev: Stop running!
He goes to the stairs and sees Yusev close behind and runs onto the roof.
Scene 5
Sound: mysterious music Lighting: outdoor lighting
Yousev: There's nowhere else to go. Give me the briefcase, you don't even know what's inside of it.
Felipe: Why should I give it to you.
Yousev: Give it to me and no one has to get hurt.
Felipe: No
Yousev: Then you must meet your end!
Felipe runs towards the edge and jumps off the roof into the pool.
Scene 6
Sound: splashing of water and continued music Lighting: pool lighting underwater and outdoor lighting
Felipe splashes into the pool as the director's name shows on screen.
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