Title design research: Fugitive


How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film? Which ones?

This opening sequence had thirteen title screens. The first title was the name of the production company, which was then followed by the two produces of the film. After this the film lists the name of then director, then the sequence lists the two star actors of the film. This is followed by the listing of actors which is concluded by the mentioning of two casting agents.

What connotations do the images carry?

The images of the title cards specifically those listing the actors Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee. These cards where particularly striking because the designer made these cards much bigger than the other and added a transparency that shows a spooky scenery behind the text. Furthermore the designer also used the same deep blue color scheme of the text coupled with a thick black border. 

How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?

The designer of the title screen made it obvious that the film in picture was a mystery through the use of eerie music famous to the genre. coupled with non digenetic in the form of metal clashing. Visually the elements of a mystery  are conveyed by the background being a video of a girl being attacked coupled with an establishing shot of a city. These transitions make the setting seem mysterious and intrigue the reader similar to the mystery genre.

What conventions are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?

The way this intro sequence had sequences of actions in the background appeal to the viewer by starting the action from the beginning of the film. The film further pursued this technique by placing a majority of the titles in the bottom right corner. This technique makes the  titles easy to follow while not taking away from the action. Another way that this was done was by only showing the titles on the establishing shots which further adds to the action and makes it easier to view and immerse in the titles.


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