Genre Re-organization


As my group ventures further in the production process of this film issues that where once minor cracks have began to expand. The largest flaw that has begun to show is the misrepresentation of our genre. At the beginning of our production process this issue seemed very minor however, as the production process has raged on I have realized that the mystery genre does not unite with the vision as well as pictured. I believe that this can be mainly attributed to our inability to flush out an entire plot within two minutes. Therefore our film does not agree with the conventions of a mystery thriller. However, we still believe that the film still agrees with the genre just through the medium of the mystery-thriller genre. 

    Musically our film would not agree with that of a typical thriller. This flaw was exposed to us when the exciting and enthralling music that would be featured in our film unnerved the reader rather than peaking interest. This would negatively impact our film because it would not inspire the desired mysterious feelings we where in search of. 

    The editing in our film also would not benefit the films case for being a mystery film because of its choppy and fast paced style. For example my film will contain split screens and jump cuts that make the film a fast paced thriller with the story premises of a mystery.

    In terms of Mis-En-Scene the film mirrors the mystery genre primarily in terms of acting. These similarities in acting stem mainly from our dialogue. Furthermore the props in our film mainly the briefcase which maintains the common aspect of providing minimal information common in the mystery genre.

    When discussing camera angles and movements our film we comply with the mystery such as including the close up shots common in most mystery films. When discussing angles our film strays a bit from the norm by using more hand held angles then that of a mystery. However the low angles used to display a divide in authority greatly align with the conventions of a mystery film.

    Overall my films conventions do not directly align with the mystery genre in terms of conventions. Despite this the films adjustment to fit more of a hybridized genre role is a great decision. I believe that this decision will greatly improve the final products alignment with the specifications of a mystery thriller.


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