Film Reveiw
Over the weekend my group edited our project and finalized our first draft of the film. After finishing this process we showed our film to a friend to determine an honest opinion of our film. This process was quite pleasant as the overall review resulted in a positive outcome. On the other-hand while the overall review was positive it was slightly nerve racking to experience the suspense of the review. Overall the main issue we faced was the quality of the audio. These issues stemmed from the background audio in some of our scenes such as the elevator. We also faced some audio technical issues in our garage scenes. The largest problem in these scenes was that the actors were speaking to quietly. Furthermore the wind added another layer of interference in the dialogue. On a positive note though the audio on our rooftop scenes was quality despite the extreme winds. This was due to my direction of the authors to scream not only for emotion but also to overdo the unwanted audio coming from the wind. Another issue I faced in the review was that the audio levels of the music where to high in some scenes. I believe that these audio issues however, stemmed from the quiet dialogue throughout. However I also believe that the issue can also be fixed by some simple audio mixing. Despite these audio complaints I believe that there are some simple fixes to the issues. For the first issue of quiet dialogue I believe it will be best to reshoot the audio alone and utilize a voiceover. On other scenes we are planning to lower certain portions of the audio will preserving the dialogue bits of others. The issue with music has an even simpler solution that being to turn down the audio levels and maybe even alternate songs in our royalty free music collection. These changes will completely revolutionize our project and introduce a new level of depth to our film and make it much more appealable to a wide audience. This review has greatly improved and impacted my perception of my film.
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